Since everything is made of energy, we are all one.
(靈氣, 霊気)
Simply speaking, it is a form of energy healing, similar to QiGong (氣功).
Reiki (ray-key) is a Japanese word. "Rei" means "universal," and "ki," means "energy." There are many names for this type of energy; the Chinese call it "qi," and the Indian people call it "prana." Reiki energy exists everywhere in infinite supply. Everyone has access to it because we exist in it, it comprises us, and we are connected to it. In the eyes of Reiki energy, everyone (and no one) is special.
Reiki energy strives for balance. When the energy in our bodies is unbalanced, we experience physical, emotional, or mental malady. What causes unbalanced energy? Well, that’s us. Our emotions, our decisions, our belief systems, our grudges, our history, our unresolved problems… all of this and more causes an unbalanced system. How to correct and unbalanced system? Reiki can help.
The benefits of Reiki are numerous. There is no harm in Reiki energy at all (unless you have a pacemaker, in which case it may alter the pace).
Primarily, Reiki:
Brings healing
Brings peacefulness to your life
Brings mindfulness
Brings motivation
Brings inspiration
Reiki is a supplement to your health and lifestyle, not a replacement for medical treatment. If there is a serious issue, then I will suggest that you visit a medical professional. Reiki can help you to alleviate the symptoms of a disorder and possibly remove the disorder over time, but the process can be slow depending on the person.
Reiki is not a magical fix for everything, so it is important to monitor your own expectations. It is best to open yourself to accepting the energy, but then be ready to accept the responsibility of working through your emotions as they come.
Reiki will not:
Harm you
Cast magical spells
Force someone to love you
Force people to return to you from the past
Grant wishes
Bring negative energies to people or to you

Sessions come in 30 or 60 minute time slots. The price for the sessions will vary depending on which package you choose. You can choose the package by going to the Reiki Packages page.
If you want to know more about Reiki, I can give you a lesson for free. Email me at this address and mention that you want to learn about how "Everything is Energy."