The way to fear is paved by irresponsibility and the comparison of oneself to others.
What is coaching? It's helping someone out when they need help.
What is spiritual coaching? It's about answering the questions of life. What is my purpose in life? What am I doing? Why am I here? Who am I? Why am I always afraid?
As your spiritual coach, I can guide you to finding the answer to those questions. I believe that every human being goes through these questions, but many don't have the inclination, knowledge, or time to go through them. Therefore, those questions become mysteries that make us feel empty inside. You don't have to feel empty or alone. Whenever you need some help or guidance, you have the power within yourself to seek the answers. If you don't know how, then I can help.
Mindfulness is being able to be in the moment at all times during your day. When you are in the moment, you can make the best decisions for your life instead of making emotional decisions. Mindfulness comes from just a bit of practice, but if you can do it consistently, then you can improve your life in huge ways.
Spirituality is an important part for every human being to explore and experience, and emotions are our first responsibility to claim. There is no school that teaches us how to deal with our emotions, how to work with people, and how to remove our personal fears so that we can learn lessons and grow as a person.
Many people are afraid of claiming their own responsibilities because they don't want to make mistakes or be wrong. Society has taught us that being wrong is embarrassing and that making mistakes is failure, nothing more. What we don't learn is that mistakes are going to be made regardless of how well informed we are and that those mistakes are learning opportunities to help us grow.
People hide those dark emotions in their hearts, and there they fester into wounds that make us physically ill. If you are struggling in your life to face your emotions and need someone to talk to, I can listen to your perspective and guide you to the path that sees you grow beyond your limitations.
On Twitter, Deepak Chopra wrote, "Religion is belief in someone else's experience. Spirituality is having your own experience."
This is so true! Since many people are afraid to take responsibility for their own emotions, their spiritual responsibilities are viewed as being under the power of another, whether it be a religious leader, an angel, or a god.
You are the power. You have the power. You are enough. You are worthy.
I have been a spiritual person for a long time, always trying to find the path for enlightenment and maintaining a movement toward that goal. I feel it is my place in the world to help people. I do not hold myself higher than anyone or anything. We are all together. We are all learning, and we are all moving to the final point. My intention is to build upon love, to help where I can for everyone's highest good and potential. After a time in Christianity, Gnosticism, and then leaving religion all together, I finally feel that I have found my path in life.
Everything is energy, and because of that, we are all one. Instead of finding differences with people, we should be motivated to find the similarities. This builds love. Please join me in this attempt to bring everyone on Earth together to grow with each other.
I am also a spiritual guide. I like to meditate and practice mindfulness and humility. I feel I have reached a point in life where I am comfortable with the reason I am on Earth, how life works, and how to live each day at a time. I respect everyone and everything first. I can guide you in dealing with parts of yourself or your life that are difficult to understand. I practice Reiki (靈氣, 霊気), a Japanese form of energy healing that is similar to QiGong (氣功). I can help you to help yourself. This can be done in person or from a distance. If you want to know more, click here.