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Sometimes reading is the best way to obtain new perspectives.



Human beings are temporary vessels, driven by timeless spirits for the purpose of experiencing challenges and collecting meaningful perspectives, in order to progress toward the ultimate goal of unconditional love.

Humans, in our childhood, are in a pure state of being. As we grow, we have more interactions with reality and gradually forget our pure state of being. We begin to question who we are, the meaning of life, and why we exist. We spend our lives searching for meaning without realizing that we have the power to define the meaning of life for ourselves. We spend our lives searching for these answers and sometimes get so confused, disheartened, and sad that we forget what we were searching for. Somewhere along the way, we lose something we didn’t appreciate that we had in the first place: our infinite power. It’s necessary to lose it, so we can feel what life is like without it, so that we can find it again and sincerely appreciate it for what it is. When we find our timeless power, we realize that there is no meaning to life. Everything just is— neutral, blank—and we are finally at peace again. It’s not a state of emotionlessness. Rather, it is a state where we see the emotions, feel them purely, and appreciate being able to observe the process. Life loses its pretenses, and the childlike ability we lost so long ago returns to us. We can just be.

It’s not that things will never change; it’s that things always change. It’s not that there’s no meaning; it’s that things take on the meaning we give them. When we define things, we exercise our power. Things will always change, things will always be defined as we choose to define them, and we will always grow — even when we seem to regress.

This book is a memoir of my spiritual life journey, the culmination of various experiences which taught me a unique perspective apart from religion. I am nearly 40 years old, and I feel as though I have arrived at a place where the meaning of life has been defined and illuminated. My personal story is not extraordinary or extravagant, but it is mine. I offer it to you, the reader, simply as a perspective. Perspectives are what I have collected along the way to help me see life from as many angles as possible.

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