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What is Reiki?

First, let's talk about what it means.

Reiki (ray-key) is a Japanese word. "Rei" means "universal," and "ki," means "energy."  There are many names for this type of energy; the Chinese call it "qi," and the Indian people call it "prana." A modern day comparison to this energy labels it as "The Force" (that's right, Star Wars fans). But The Force is a bit limiting. Reiki energy exists everywhere in infinite supply. Everyone has access to it because we exist in it, it comprises us, and we are connected to it. In the eyes of Reiki energy, no one is special.


Reiki energy strives for balance. When the energy in our bodies is unbalanced, we experience physical, emotional, or mental malady. What causes unbalanced Reiki energy? Well, that’s us. Our emotions, our decisions, our belief systems, our grudges, our history, our unresolved problems… all of this and more causes an unbalanced system. How to correct and unbalanced system? The best way to describe this is that we need to balance our chakras.


Chakras come from Indian religions. They exist in our bodies on a spiritual level, kind of “invisible” to us right now. There are a lot of chakras on our body, but we can just focus on the seven main chakras: the root (base of spine), the sacral (abdominal area), solar plexus (just below the ribcage), the heart (center of chest), the throat (duh), the third eye (between your eyes and just above), and the crown (top of the head). You can imagine how difficult it might be to balance just these seven, let alone the other chakras in our body. Don’t despair. Balancing, healing, and aligning these chakras don’t really take that long to do.



What does Reiki do for us?

Second, the benefits to our bodies and minds.

The benefits of Reiki are kind of numerous. There is no harm in Reiki energy at all (unless you have a pacemaker, in which case it may alter the pace). However, for a quick list, check this out.


  • Body Pain:

    • Relief from headaches and migraines

    • Assist with ease of pressure from strained muscles

    • Help reduces bone and join pain

    • Increases blood flow

    • Repairs damaged areas

  • Emotional and Mental Distress:

    • Treats depression

    • Promotes understanding and patience

    • Helps to impart wisdom and guidance

    • Promotes natural intuition

    • Provides clarity

    • Helps you to confront your fears and solve them

    • Shows you your true self

    • Imparts a sense of serenity and mindfulness

  • Pregnancy:

    • Reduce fatigue

    • Stimulate healthy development

    • Address pain

    • Encourage connection between mother and baby

    • Reduce post-partum depression

    • Accelerate healing

    • Help milk production or formula absorption

    • Balance colic

    • Help prepare for conception by reducing stress and stimulating reproductive cycle of the couple

  • Children:

    • Most children are very sensitive to energy and love the sensation

    • Helps to deal with emotional ups and downs

  • Palliative Care

    • Reiki can help to assist those who are dying and preparing to leave this world by helping them to peacefully pass

    • Can help ease bereavement by ensuring that energies are accepted and release rather than rejected and stored

    • Can help resolve unfinished business or find a resolution to previous conflicts

  • Diabetes

    • Reduces the level of required insulin per injection


Finally, don't expect everything from Reiki energy.

The following things are things that Reiki does not do:

  • Cast magical spells

    • Force someone to love you

    • Force people to return to you from the past

    • Grant wishes

    • Cure diseases (though it will help to alleviate them)

  • Bring negative energies to people or to you


There you have it. You have had a crash course in what Reiki truly represents. Is there anything here you can benefit from personally? Why not give the free trial a shot? Make an appointment!

What Reiki is not!

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